Emos are similar to punks in that they are not apologetic about dressing differently, although you're probably less likely to get headbutted for offending one. One aspect of Emo culture Sohos loves is the friendships between them and the way they appreciate one other. Whilst some peer groups condemn someone for daring to change or look different, Emo friends appreciate each other's efforts to look wicked. Emo can be casual but bright; with contrasting colours and prints like a Nu-Punk Contrast, or can be darker, smarter and more sophisticated but with an elaborate edge.
The people involved in it didn't wake up one morning and think 'I want to be an Emo'. Emo isn't any particular fashion trend; it can be everything and nothing - its an attitude. Sohos has tried to capture the Emo feeling in this page. Sohos respects Emos for having the confidence to be unique and take pride in looking remarkable whilst others are content to fade into the background as they are afraid to take the risks to stand out in the way that Emos do.